One often thinks that wars are fought by the young.  While this might be true at a very high level, it is not universally accurate.  In the history of Medals of Honor for Georgia recipients, most have been awarded to men younger than 30, but the prime age for military service might also mirror that fact.


But there are also 7 men who received their Medal of Honor well into their 30s, and 3 who were recognized in their 40s.  Of the 4 living recipients 3 were in their 20s when recognized and only one in his 40s.


The color coding used in this chart is as follows:

The individual lost his life during the action that resulted in receiving the Medal of Honor

The individual survived the action that resulted in receiving the Medal of Honor, but is no longer living

The individual is still living

Copyright 2013 Hilliard A Wilbanks Foundation